
Showing posts from August, 2022


 I woke up thirty minutes earlier than what I was suppose too so I took a shower. I got ready for school and then cleaned my piercings I felt really good this morning. I got on the bus listened to music and felt really happy again. School was the same as always, I had a unit test in math I’m pretty sure I did good. When I got home I got ready for work and then when I arrived I was running the shift by myself. It was a little scary but I made it through. 


I was so tired today, I wanted to go to sleep in all my classes. When I got on the bus I sat in the front by myself and I walked to all my classes by myself. It felt a little weird but I need to get used to it, it’s for the best. I have so much college work that I have to do while having to study for my math test tomorrow. Then my manager put me on the schedule for five days so that’s something else I have to do. When I got home I took a nap which felt so good. When I woke up I ran to target with my cousin and then I got home and watched one piece. 

Bell Ringer “The Universe”

 I believe the probability of life outside of earth is 100%. There is so much of the universe that is unknown to us. My reaction to seeing the image from mars was shocking. It made me realize we're just on a tiny plant in the middle of nowhere. When I heard the black hole sound it made me a little scared. It sounded like something scary like a demon. All of this purs my life into perspective because it give me a different outlook on how my problems aren't  that big. We are on a tiny planet floating in the galaxy and I let one little thing run my day an be mad at the world. 


 Today I woke up a little earlier because I had to pick out an outfit and do my hair. School was normal for the most part, I did my dual enrollment in all my classes. In first period I got caught up on my work because didn't go to school yesterday. Second period I has a test and I think I did really good, after that school was normal. When I got home I folded my laundry and chilled until it was time for me to get ready for my cousins football game. 

Creative Writing

 Here is my story from today. 

Free day Friday

 Today we learned about the three rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos). Mr.Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. I will be convincing him by using pathos. Mr. Rease, I am a good student I don't disturb your class and I complete my work when it needs to be done. I believe the class should have a free day Friday because we always do our work, we sit and take notes, and when it's time to have group discussions everyone participates. My boyfriend takes your class second block and he told me that he gets a whole corner to himself. I feel it disheartening that your fourth block class has not been given or had the same opportunity. Friday should be a free day because we all deserve a break. Everyone knows how hard junior year can be, from test to dues, colleges it’s a lot to put on a teenagers. 

New Routine

 Today is Monday and I start dual enrollment as well as manager at my job. I'm a little nervous about going to work today and how everything will run. As for dual enrollment, I’m taking college algebra and I’m praying everything goes smooth. I glanced through some of it and it looked familiar. I also want to change my hair but I’m debating on if I should wait or not. 


  Yesterday was my birthday and it did not go as I planned it. I didn’t get my tattoo, I didn’t go out to eat. Everything just blew me but my boyfriend was a really big help. He tried his best to be there and make me happy. This morning was horrible I woke up late because I really didn't want to go to school and then I go downstairs and I see my Alfredo next to the microwave. I asked my household and they said that it was sitting out all day. This really irritated me because why would you not have enough decency to put it in the refrigerator ??  So this created an argument between me and my boyfriend because he was supposed to put it in the refrigerator. We get to school and in the third period we argued again, lunch we argued again. So we stopped texting for an hour and then I sent a paragraph apologizing because I do tend to be stubborn and overreact. Sometimes I forget to take his feelings into account so I apologized for that.  


 Today started of bad, I did not want to get out of bed. I felt lightheaded and when I tried eating that didn’t work. I came to school and it went by fast like I hoped but i’m really dreading going home. I have work today and I don’t want to go because I have so much to do in preparation for my birthday. I have to clean my room, plan my outfit, make bracelets, study, and edit a video. I'm ready for my birthday though I've been kind of scared. I'm getting a tattoo so that's a little nerve racking as well as turning a new age. 


       Today started like any normal day, I listened to music and went on with my day. During lunch I got my second period switched to Economics because I had psychology but there’s nothing but seniors in that class so I want out. After school I came home and got ready for work, I tied my hair back, put on my work shirt, and then headed out the door. I arrived at work 20 minutes early so I sat down for a minute and then clocked in when it was time. It was slow up until seven o’clock then things started to pick up but this is also the time we pre-close so a lot was going on. When 8:30 rolled around there is still people ordering smoothies and at that point, I started to get upset because we close at nine o’clock and I just wanted to go home. I didn’t end up clocking out until 9:10, got home at 9:30 and now I’m doing this blog. Which is the last thing I want to be doing because I would much rather be sleeping but here I am. 


        Hi, my name is La’Nijah, I attend Cedar Grove High school and I am 15 years old. My birthday is August 18th and I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA. So I enough the cold as well as being snowed in whilst drinking hot cocoa and watching a movie with a big cover. I have social anxiety so for fun I like to be by myself to paint, draw, watch anime, sleep, and cook. Three goals I would like to accomplish this year are passing all my AP class exams. Doing this would be a huge weight off my shoulder and I know my mom would be proud. Another one is keeping my GPA of 4.0 and maybe running for homecoming. I still haven’t decided because I’m nervous.