
     Today started like any normal day, I listened to music and went on with my day. During lunch I got my second period switched to Economics because I had psychology but there’s nothing but seniors in that class so I want out. After school I came home and got ready for work, I tied my hair back, put on my work shirt, and then headed out the door. I arrived at work 20 minutes early so I sat down for a minute and then clocked in when it was time. It was slow up until seven o’clock then things started to pick up but this is also the time we pre-close so a lot was going on. When 8:30 rolled around there is still people ordering smoothies and at that point, I started to get upset because we close at nine o’clock and I just wanted to go home. I didn’t end up clocking out until 9:10, got home at 9:30 and now I’m doing this blog. Which is the last thing I want to be doing because I would much rather be sleeping but here I am. 


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