

 I had a good day today, besides something happening with my job everything was okay. I got sleep in a little because I was getting a ride to school. Class went by the same it’s all just dragging until we leave for break. Fourth block we did essays again and I know I’ll do fine on the EOC but Im still nervous. When I got home I chilled for a minute and then went to work. 


 Today in fourth block we read some passages and started to write essay. When I got home I payed down for a minute and then I cleaned my turtles tank. I didn’t work today so my friend came over and we hung out. Nothing exciting happened it was just a monday. 

found poem “The Color Purple”

Why not me ? “I tell him I can fix myself up for him.” “He don’t ast How come you his wife? Nobody ast that.” “Anyhow, they don’t love me neither, no matter how good I is.” “You got to fight them for yourself.” “I mean he just brought her here, dropped her, and kept right on running after Shug Avery.” “I look at women, tho, cause I’m not scared of them.” “I just be thankful to lay eyes on her” “ I don’t need no weak little boy can’t say no to his daddy hanging on me.” “Something you help scratch out my head.” “Everything I do is fine and dandy to you, Miss Celie, she say.”


 I really like today, I sold plates and made a lot of money. Although I stayed up all night so i was exhausted during school it was fun and worth it. I didn’t have work today so i ran some errands and then went to walmart for my food to sell. I got home and started cooking.


 I loved today, I woke up and changed my outfit like three times lol. In fourth period we had class presentations for the book we’re reading “The Color Purple”. I liked group four the most, when they read they switched their voice and the energy from them was funny and energetic. I forgot the number of the group that went first but I like how one person got up and walked when she was presenting. It kept me entertained, normally i get bored but her moving helped me stay focused. 


 I was so happy today, I was in my own world not bothered at all. I got a lot of compliments on my hair too, I got it cut shorter because I was ready for something different. School is still stressing me out and at home or work isn’t making it any better. It’s like I’m happy then reality hits me and I’m back being stressed but I guess that’s life. My job closes at 8 now which is good because I get extra time to myself but bad because now my hours are cut so I’m quitting. 


 Today was a good day, I’m feeling a lot happier. Things are going good for me, there’s still minor setbacks but that’s okay. I’m still trying to get caught up in my first period and I took a math test in my third. I think I did good, I knew most of the stuff and she gave us two answers. The school day went by fast, I got home and got ready for work. My work day went by fast too but I still had a good day. I’m just waiting for friday and saturday I’m so excited !!